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[LINK] basic information about the library
[LINK] inter-library loan
[LINK] documentation department
[LINK] staff


The Jozef Stefan Institute Library is the main physics library in Slovenia. In addition, we have a comprehensive chemistry, biochemistry and computer science collection; when last we counted, it numbered about 40000 book and 31000 journal volumes. These can be viewed in our browsing and study rooms. If you have access to the Slovene DECNET, our inter-library loan address is IJSLIB::ILLIJS.

As one of the largest special libraries in Slovenia, we were at the forefront of library computerization in our country. So, we could tell you a lot about the darker side of this project. Instead, we will proudly display our on-line catalog, which is a part of the Slovene OPAC system (a telnet service; interface design was was done by IZUM, Maribor). We also use the TRIP database, running at the University Computer Centre, to record the day-by-day arrival of periodicals, and a computerized loan module of the COBISS system; but you will have to visit us in person to experience it.

We are beginning to build a database collection, including four sections of the Current Contents service (Agricultural, Biologic and Environmental Science; Engineering, Technology and Applied Science; Life Science; and Physical, Chemical and Earth Science), some KR Information OnDisc databases (Environmental Management, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts), and some CD-ROM Encyclopedias (the Brittanica CD-ROM, and the McGraw-Hill Multimedia Encyclopedia of Science and Technology). Also, we subscribe to some electronic journals: Nuclear Physics Electronic, Classical and Quantum Gravity Online, Journal of Materials Science Online, Applied Physics Letters Online, Physical Review Letters Online (beginning 1st of July, if all goes well at AIP). As this material is copyrighted, we did not put it on the web; it can be perused at your leisure at a public workstation in the library.

We have access to Dialog on-line databases (SCISearch, CA Search, Dervent World Patent Index, Computer Database, and many, many more), and an experienced information officer, who will help you with your inquiries. You can drop in any work day from 8-19 (8-17 on Fridays).

Dr. Luka Sustersic

[LINK] av 18.September.1997