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Updated: 4.February.1998

Providers by Alphabet

(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z)

AAS (The American Astronomical Society)

Journal Description Access
Astrophysical Journal On-line only tables of contents free


Journals Description Access
Analytical Chemistry all abstract and articles (HTML and PDF files) only for *
Biochemistry all abstract and articles (HTML and PDF files) only for *
Environmental Science & Technology all abstract and articles (HTML and PDF files) only for *
The Journal of Physical Chemistry all abstract and articles (HTML and PDF files) only for *

AIP (American Institue of Physics)

Journals Description Access
Applied Physics Letters all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
CHAOS all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Computers in Physics all abstract and articles (PDF files) only for *
Journal of Applied Physics all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Journal of Chemical Physics all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Journal of Mathematical Physics all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Physics of Fluids all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Physics of Plasmas all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *
Review of Scientific Instruments all abstract and articles (HTML and Postscript files) only for *

APS (American Physical Society)

Journals Description Access
Physical Review A online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review B online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review B Rapid Communications Online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review C online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review D online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review E onlne all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *
Physical Review Letters all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *

ASBMB (The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

Journals Description Access
The Journal of Biological Chemistry table of contents and abstracts free

Chapman & Hall Publisher

Journals Description Access
Journal of Materials Science all astracts and articles (PDF files) only for *
JMS Letters all astracts and articles (PDF files) only for *
JMS: Materials in Electronics all astracts and articles (PDF files) only for *
JMS: Materials in Medicine all astracts and articles (PDF files) only for *


Journals Description Access
Nuclear Physics Electronic (A and B) full articles, but not regulary updated free
Solid State Communication Online A three month free trial access to all the current issues and two year abstract archive. only for *

Graz University

Journals Description Access
Few-Body Systems Electronic only tables of contents and abstracts free

IoM (The Institute of Materials)

Journals Description Access
Surface Engineering only tables of contents and abstracts (PDF files) free

IOP (The Institute of Physics Publishing)

Journals Description Access
Electronic Journals full article access for subscribed journals only for *

Kluwer Academic Publishers

Journals Description Access
MACHINE LEARNING ONLINE full text articles (TeX files) only for *

Les Editions de Physique

Journals Description Access
Annales de Physique all abstract and articles (Postscript and PDF files) only for *
A&A Supplement Series all abstract and articles (HTML, Postscript and PDF files) only for *
Europhysics Letters Online all abstract and articles (HTML, Postscript and PDF files) only for *
The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
Journal de Physique I (1995-1997) all abstract and articles (HTML, Postscript and PDF files) only for *
Journal de Physique II (1995-1997) all abstract and articles (HTML, Postscript and PDF files) only for *
Journal de Physique III (1995-1997) all abstract and articles (HTML, Postscript and PDF files) only for *


Journals Description Access
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA all abstract and articles (HTML files), free access ends December 31, 1997 only for *, electronic only since 1998

OSA Optical Society of America

Journals Description Access
Optics Letters Online all abstract and articles (PDF and Postscript files) only for *


Journals Description Access
The Computer Journal table of contents and abstracts of current issues (HTML files) only for *, electronic only since 1998
Protein Engineering table of contents and abstracts of current issues (HTML files) only for *, electronic only since 1998


Journals Description Access
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics JJAP contains the talbe of contents and abstract in HTML format. free
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan JPSJ-Online contains the table of contents, abstract of all papers and main texts of the Letters published in the printed version of JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. free

Portland Press

Journals Description Access
Biochemical Journal full papers, abstracts and electonic table of contents only for *


Journals Description Access
Physica Scripta the list of contents for upcoming issues, as well as the corresponding abstracts free

Societa Italiane di Fisica

Journals Description Access
Il Nuovo Cimento all abstract and articles (HTML, PostScript and PDF files), free to the end of 1997 PDF and dvi files) only for *

SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

Journals Description Access
SIAM Journal on Computing all abstract and articlse (PostScript, UNIX Compressed PostScript, PDF and dvi files) only for *, electronic only


Journals Description Access
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Communications in Mathematical Physics all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) all abstract and articles in PDF files only for *
Distributed Computing all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
European Journal of Biochemistry all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Few-Body Systems all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Journal of Molecular Evolution all abstract and articles (HTML and PDF files) only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik A (1996-1997) all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik B (1996-1997) all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik C (1996-1997) all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik D (1996-1997) all abstract and articles (PDF and gziped Postscript files) only for *

[LINK] av 4.February.1998