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Updated: 4.February.1998
- A
Annales de Physique (only for *
Analytical Chemistry (only for *
Applied Physics A: Materials Sciencce & Processing (only for *
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics (only for *
Applied Physics Letters (only for *
Astrophysical Journal On-line (only tables of contents)
A&A Suplement Series (only *
- B
Biochemical Journal (only for *
Biochemistry (only for *
- C
CHAOS (only for *
Classical and Quantum Gravitty (only for *
Communications in Mathematical Physics (only for *
The Computer Journal
(only for *, electronic only since 1998)
Computers in Physics (only for *
- D
- Distributed Computing
(only for *
- E
Environmental Science & Technology (only for *
European Journal of Biochemistry (only for *
The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A) (only for *
The European Physical Journal B (EPJ B) (only for *
The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) (only for *
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) (only for *
Europhysics Letters Online (only for *
- F
- Few-Body Systems
(only for *
- I
Il Nuovo Cimento
(only for *
- J
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
(only table of contents and abstracts)
- JMS Letters
(only for *
- JMS: Materials in Electronics
(only for *
- JMS: Materials in Medicine
(only for *
Journal de Physique I (1995-1997) (only for *
Journal de Physique II (1995-1997) (only for *
Journal de Physique III (1995-1997) (only for *
Journal of Applied Physics (only for *
The Journal of Biological Chemistry (only for *
Journal of Chemical Physics (only for *
- Journal of Materials Science
(only for *
Journal of Mathematical Physics (only for *
Journal of Molecular Evolution (only for *
The Journal of Physical Chemistry
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General (only for *
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
(only for *
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (only for *
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (only for *
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (only for *
- M
- Machine Learning Online
(only for *
Measurements Science and Technology (only for *
- N
Nanotechnology (only for *
- Nuclear Physics Electronic (A and B)
Nonlinearity (only for *
- O
Optics Letters Online (only for *
- P
- Physica Scripta
(only table of contents and abstracts)
- Physical Review A online
(only for *
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(only for *
Physical Review B Rapid Communications Online (only for *
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Physical Review D online (only for *
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- Physical Review Letters
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Physics of Fluids (only for *
Physics of Plasmas (only for *
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (only for *
Plasma Sources Science and Technology (only for *
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA
(only for *, electronic only since 1998)
Protein Engineering
(only for *, electronic only since 1998)
- R
Review of Scientific Instruments (only for *
Reports on Progress in Physics (only for *
- S
Semiconductor Science and Technology (only for *
SIAM Journal on Computing (only for *, electronic only since 1998)
Solid State Communication Online (only for *
Superconductor Science and Technology (only for *
Surface Engineering (only table of contents and abstracts)
- W
Waves in Rendom Media (only for *
- Z
Zeitschrift fuer Physik A (1996-1997) (only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik B (1996-1997) (only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik C (1996-1997) (only for *
Zeitschrift fuer Physik D (1996-1997) (only for *
av 4.February.1998