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New electronic journals in November

Journal Comment
Biochemistry This new interactive, internet version of Biochemistry is now available FREE for a limited time on the World Wide Web.
Environmental Science & Technology This new interactive, internet version of Environmental Science & Technology is now available FREE for a limited time on the World Wide Web.

Journal Comment
Zeitschrift fuer Physik A (1996-1997) This is online version of Zeitschrift fuer Physik A published by the Springer-Verlag.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik B (1996-1997) This is online version of Zeitschrift fuer Physik B published by the Springer-Verlag.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik C (1996-1997) This is online version of Zeitschrift fuer Physik C published by the Springer-Verlag.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik D (1996-1997) This is online version of Zeitschrift fuer Physik D published by the Springer-Verlag.

New electronic journals in September

Electronic journals accessible only to *
Physical Review C online
This is online version of the Physical Review C published by the American Physical Scciety.

New electronic journals in August

Electronic journals accessible only to *
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
This is online version of The Journal of Biological Chemistry published by The American Scciety for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Electronic journals freely accessible
Physical Review D online
Physical Review D is available as an online beta version beginning 1 August 1996. It is freely accessible to everyone from 1 August to 31 December 1996.

New electronic journals in June

Electronic journals freely accessible
The Journal of Physical Chemistry
This new interactive, internet version of The Journal of Physical Chemistry is now available FREE for a limited time on the World Wide Web. The interactive journal can be founde under the headin ACS Journals and Magazines.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
This is the home page for the electroic edition of Journal of the Physical Society of Japan published by the Physical Societies of Japan.

New electronic journals in May

Electronic journals accessible only to *
Journal de Physique I from Les Editions de Physique.
Journal de Physique II from Les Editions de Physique.
Journal de Physique III from Les Editions de Physique.
Machine Learning Online

New electronic journals in February

Electronic journals freely accessible
Astrophysical Journal On-line
This is the home page for the electroic edition of The Astrophysical Journal published by the American Astronomical Society.

Electronic journals accessible only to *
Europhysics Letters Online from EPS (European Physical Society).

New electronic journals in January

Electronic journals accessible only to *
Electronics journals from IOP (The Institute of Physics Publishing):
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Journal of Physics A, B, D and D
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
Measurement Science and Technology
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Reports on Progress in Physics
Semiconductor Science and Techonlogy
Superconductor Science and Technology
Waves in Random Media

Journal of Materials Science
JMS Letters
JMS: Materials in Electronics
JMS: Materials in Medicine

[LINK] av 7.February.1997